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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Week 38

I think this is the hardest part of pregnancy so far.  I feel like I am just waiting and waiting for something to happen.  I no longer sleep very well not only because I get up to go to the bathroom every hour but every time I feel a pain in my abdomen I think oh labor is starting, then I wait a few minutes and nothing more happens.  The doctor says my due date is 11/28/2011 but according to my last menstrual cycle and the night of conception (so I think) my due date should really be 11/18/2011.  Whats funny is not one thing except for that first sonogram has lined up with the 11/28 due date, even the Chinese gender predictor says girl if born on 11/28. So with 11/18 quickly approaching (3 days) I cant help but think I am going to have this baby soon.  When I first found out I was pregnant I thought I would deliver on 11/17 so I am curious how close I will actually be. 
On the positive side, I am officially on maternity leave.  I do not think I could have worked another day, it was so exhausting and painful.  Yesterday I only left the house to go to the doctor and spent the rest of the day on the couch watching TV, cleaning and cooking dinner. Today I have close to the same plans, except I do have to go run a few errands. 
As I approach motherhood I realize I can not imagine a baby inside of me, I try to think about what he will look like but all I see is a cartoon character or a drawing of a baby, I can not seem to imagine that there is a full term human baby inside of me.  I also keep freaking myself out that something is going to be wrong with Cohen or delivery. I know these are normal fears but I cant seem to shake them. 

My belly has not grown that much over the last few weeks, as I think he has maxed out the allotted space but I swear my face keeps getting bigger and bigger.  My nose especially seems to be growing larger.  I really hope this goes away at delivery. I have gained a total of 28lbs though out this pregnancy which is better than I thought I would do.  I was scarred I was going to gain 40-50lbs. So 28 is not too bad  considering.  I bet I could have kept it around 20 if I didn't cave into my dessert temptation every night!

Hopefully by the time I blog next it will be the birth story and a good one at that.

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