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Sunday, October 23, 2011
Week 34
Almost there! Tomorrow I am officially 35 weeks. It seems like it has taken forever to get to this point and now I am just counting down the days until Cohen's arrival. Jason and I went to a childbirth class this last weekend, which was really informative on helping us prepare for his birth. I have to say that I am nervous! Am I going to go to the hospital at the right time? When will I know if my contractions are real? What if my labor is 30hours? I still do not quite understand how it is physically possible to birth a baby.
My belly is starting to get really big and in the way. A few weeks ago I burnt myself while ironing and I keep turning on the gas stove with my stomach. One good thing is that my belly button has not turned into an outie yet and unless he grows a lot over the next few weeks I think I get to keep an innie! It has started to get extremely uncomfortable to do everyday tasks. Cohen has dropped and is now in position with his head down. He has been kicking or elbowing a lot lately but I have not been able to catch it on video. I am hoping to see a whole foot or hand.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Week 32

After working on the nursery for a a few days I finally covered the glider, ottoman and made a pillow. After covering the ottoman I wanted to throw my sewing machine at the wall. I had to sew then take it apart several times to get it to fit correctly. There is one corner that is not perfect, but it is the best it is going to get. Now all I have to do is organize everything and put things on the wall. I am really stressed out about organizing the nursery. Every time I walk in there I look around and wish I could hire someone to fold the clothes and organize them. I keep waiting for the nesting instinct to hit me, so I will want to do these things.
Jason always knows how to entertain me. I was sitting in the nursery working on the skirt for the glider when in came Bugsy in the walker Alyssa and Debbie got us.
Finally, here are by baby bump pictures for this week. It is getting so big!! It looks like I have a basketball in my stomach. I do not quite understand how it is going to stretch any further.
Week 32 baby scare
It all started on Monday night while in San Antonio for work. I got sick on the way to dinner, at dinner and after dinner. After a few hours of toughing it out I decided to call my doctor because I started to have stomach pains (not like normal cramps) they were every few minutes and lasted only a few minutes each. The on call doctor told me it was best to go to the hospital to get checked out. Turns out I had food poisoning or a stomach bug which caused dehydration which in turn caused contractions. They hooked me up to several machines and monitored my contractions and Cohen for the night. They gave me some medicine to make me stop throwing up which in turn caused me to become agitated and restless (I could not sit still (at one point I tried to leave- apparently this is a side effect). So they gave me a pain killer to help counteract the medicine, which caused me to become sick again. Finally after hours of being in pain and uncomfortable the pain meds kicked in and I finally fell asleep. The doctor came in at about 7:30 and said everything was ok and as long as Cohen's heart rate was normal and I could keep down food I could go. I was finally released at 9:30am. After being in the labor and maternity area of the hospital for the night I think I am more scared about child birth than I was before. At about 3:30am a lady came in ready to give birth. She was too late for drugs and had to go all natural..... I heard things NO ONE should ever have to hear. I do not understand how anyone forgets the pain of labor, I can not get her screaming out of my head!
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