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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Week 12

Yesterday I went to have the first screen done, where they check for down syndrome- and really the only reason why I had the test done was so I did not have to wait another 6 weeks for a sonogram.  Since I haven't had any morning sickness, sometime I wonder as I still pregnant....well YES! Baby Fuller is doing great, he/she is measuring right on track (about 2in).  They could not tell the sex so it looks like I am going to have to wait until I am 18 weeks. 

Pregnancy Survey
1. Are you happy About your pregnancy or just dealing with it? It has been hard changing everything all at one time, but the further along I get the happier about the pregnancy I become. 

2. Have you felt your baby move yet? No, but according to the sonogram Baby F moves a lot! Won’t be too much longer before I can feel every movement.

3. Do you think the baby will look like you or the daddy or a combo of both of you guys? I have no idea. I am hoping a little of both.  Like Jason’s blue eyes and my dark hair and olive complexion.
4. Do you know what you are having? No....I cant wait to find out!

5. What place an time did you find out you where preggers =]? The second day of SXSW at home.  I took about 4 test just to make sure it was accurate.

6. Do you want a c-section or natural or painkiller assisted birth?  Dont watch the "Business of Being Born" because it is really convincing that you want a natural birth, but I want an epidural and you cant get that when going all natural.
7. Are you going to be a nursing mommy or a formula mommy? 100% else am I going to lose the baby weight??
8. What do you want your baby to be boy or girl? I really want to buy big bows and tutus (so a girl) but I will be happy either way. 
9.Any back pain or nausea? No
10. How many weeks are you today? 12…1/3 of the way there!

11 Any non food item cravings or nono food during pregnancy cravings? Sweets... all I can think about is sugar!

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